

阿伯里斯特威斯大学Gennady Mishuris院士学术讲座

2024.10.30 浏览量:

时间 : 2024年11月02日 16时00分

地点 : A校区理科楼205教室

Six Stress Intensity Factors: How Hydraulic Fracture Pays Back to Fracture Mechanics?

主讲人 : Gennady Mishuris 院士

This talk aims to provide an overview of key results in the mathematical and numerical modelling of hydraulic fracture that I and my group have been privileged to work with over the last decade. Revisiting the approach to a basic (BEM) algorithm for the classic HF models (PKN, KGD, Radial), has eventually allowed us to construct an extremely accurate and effective time-space adaptive algorithm for the models. Utilizing this algorithm, and adjusting where necessary, we have been continuing our endeavour to analyse some of the more delicate pieces of this extremely rich theory. In particular, we considered an effect of the shear traction induced by the fluid on the crack surface and discover another, fourth, stress intensity factor, which to our best knowledge was not previously known in the classical Fracture Mechanics. This required us to compute Rice’s Energy Release Rate taking the effect into account. Furthermore, discussing the results, we have extended the classic Irwin’s crack closure integral representation to the ERR computation. Interestingly, this leads to a complete LEFM theory with six SIFs with applications to, among others, hydraulic fracturing, soft materials containing stiff inclusions, rigid inclusions, shear bands and cracks characterized by the Gurtin-Murdoch surface stress elasticity. It also resolves an ambiguity in using the same SIF’s terminology in the cases of open cracks and rigid inclusions.


Gennady Mishuris 院士,阿伯里斯特威斯大学数学系教授。2014年当选英国威尔士学术院院士,德国洪堡学者、欧盟玛丽居里学者,利华休姆研究员,波兰最高学术称号—贝尔维德尔教授,英国皇家学会沃尔夫森研究卓越奖。

